*Physician availability near opening and closing hours may vary. If you would like to schedule an appointment during one of these times, please call to ensure that our providers are able to see you. |
AppointmentsVillage Pointe and Dundee Pediatrics takes pride in offering a range of providers and appointment times to accommodate your schedule. Please call our office to schedule any appointments and our front desk staff will accommodate your desired time to the best of their ability.
If you are running late or need to reschedule, please contact our office as soon as possible. We provide in office nurse triage starting at 8am until the office closes. After hours nurse triage services are provided by nurses through the Nebraska Medical Center and are accessible even when our office is closed. To contact a nurse triage, call our office number (402-573-7337 or 402-991-5678). Insurance and BillingWe accept most major insurance payers and NE Medicaid. Co-pays are always due at the time of service. We do not bill for co-pays.
Payment OptionsWe accept checks, cash or credit cards. Each individual health care insurance policy is different, and we are not provided with the coverage information prior to your appointment. It is your responsibility to know what your policy covers.
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